Legal notice

Group Identity

The Hexagone Group consists of the following firms: Hexagone Finance, Hexagone Conseil and Hexagone Metrics. Each firm within the group has its own governance structure and operates in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.

The holding company Groupe Hexagone, pools several administrative duties (administration – including IT system administration for all firms, human resources, accounting, Chief-of-Staff etc.). Groupe Hexagone does not conduct business in its own name.


Group entities


Hexagone Finance

A simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 150,000 euros

Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 793 932 138 – APE 66.19B

EU VAT number: FR 32 793 932 138

Financial Investment Advisor (Conseiller en Investissements Financiers (CIF)), member of the CNCEF Patrimoine – an Association authorised by the AMF (French financial markets authority)

Registered with Orias (French single register of insurance, banking and finance brokers) under ref. 13007714 ( as a Financial Investment Advisor (CIF), an insurance broker (COA) and Payment service and banking transaction broker (COBSP).

Real estate and commercial property transactions – Carte professionnelle N° 7501 2024 000 000 288, issued by the CCI Paris- Ile de France.
Financial guarantee: 110,000 euros


Hexagone Conseil

A simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 3,333 euros

Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 822 819 751 – APE 66.19B

EU VAT number: FR 64 822 819 751

Financial Investment Advisor (Conseiller en Investissements Financiers (CIF)), member of the CNCEF Patrimoine – an Association authorised by the AMF (French financial markets authority)

Registered with Orias (French single register of insurance, banking and finance brokers) under ref. 16005807 ( as a Financial Investment Advisor (CIF).


Hexagone Metrics

A simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 100,000 euros

Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no 917 934 572 – APE 70.10Z

EU VAT number: FR 15 917 934 572


Groupe Hexagone

A simplified joint stock company, with a capital of 24 464 135,50 euros

Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no 922 468 038 – APE 64.20Z

EU VAT number: FR43 922 468 038


Publication Manager for every entity : Isabelle RENAULT


Entities Headquarters: 39 rue de la Bienfaisance – 75008 PARIS, FRANCE

Telephone: +33 (0)1 42 68 90 00


Website hosted by: OVHCloud – 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 ROUBAIX Cedex 1 – FRANCE


Website content

The content published on this website and in the pages dedicated to Hexagone Group entities is provided for information purposes only; in no way does it constitute an offer to buy products and/or services. The information should not be construed as an offer, a recommendation, or a solicitation to buy or sell products and/or services.

The information published on the website has no contractual value.

This website is intended for French residents only, and aims to present the services offered by Hexagone Group firms, as well as the main characteristics of the products and services provided by each of the group entities.

Before making their decision, potential investors are responsible for obtaining suitable advice on possible restrictions applicable to specific persons or countries regarding the products and services offered. None of the products or services described herein shall be offered to an investor if the law – in his/her country of origin, or in the jurisdiction applicable to the investor or the products/services – prohibits such an offering. Before making any investment decisions, clients and/or potential clients must read the updated official and regulatory documents (prospectus, fund rules, information notice, articles of association, annual reports, subscription form…).

The Hexagone Group shall not be liable for hypertext links to other sites, particularly regarding the content of these sites and its accuracy. The Hexagone Group shall make its best efforts to ensure that the information displayed on this site is accurate and up to date, and to correct any errors or omissions as soon as these are reported. However, the Hexagone Group cannot guarantee that the information or data provided on this website is complete, reliable, and pertinent, or that the transmission or transcription of the information/data onto the site does not contain errors and omissions.


Data protection Cookies and data protection policy


Customer claims/ complaints

In the event of a customer complaint, firms within the Hexagone Group shall initially seek an amicable settlement. All complaints should be filed with the firm the client is conducting business with.

Complaints relating to Hexagone Finance should be addressed to: Frédéric Cezard, Hexagone Finance, 39, rue de la Bienfaisance – 75008 PARIS, FRANCE,

Complaints relating to Hexagone Conseil should be addressed to: Anne-Charlotte ROY, Hexagone Conseil, 39, rue de la Bienfaisance – 75008 PARIS, FRANCE,


These two firms shall undertake to:

  • Acknowledge receipt of requests within 10 working days from the date the complaint was sent.
  • Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, issue a response to the client within two months of sending the complaint.

If the client is unsatisfied with the reply provided, he/she may contact the following ombudsman:


If the dispute concerns Financial Advisory services:

AMF Ombudsman
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17, place de la Bourse

Complaints relating to Hexagone Metrics should be addressed to: Anne-Charlotte ROY, Hexagone Metrics – 39, rue de la Bienfaisance – 75008 PARIS, FRANCE,